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LCD splicing screen

Blaze Display Technology Co., Ltd. | Updated: Nov 27, 2018

With the growth of the enterprise-level market and the digital transformation needs of enterprises, the sales of LCD splicing screens and LED splicing screens have increased. The latest IDC report shows that in 2021, the market is expected to show faster growth, and the growth rate is expected to reach 20.3%.


Talking about the reasons for the accelerated growth of splicing screens, WitDisplay chief analyst Lin Zhi said in an interview with a reporter from the Securities Daily: "The splicing seams of LCD splicing screens are shrinking, and the gap with LED splicing screens is getting smaller and smaller. And LCD has higher resolution and lower price, show market has great potential applications in business, particularly this year in new infrastructure, to speed up the development of the LCD splicing screen. China has huge LCD production capacity, traditional consumer electronics applications can not be fully digested, panel manufacturers actively promote LCD splicing screen penetration in the DISPLAY market".


Hu Qimu, the chief researcher of the China Steel Economic Research Institute, said in an interview with a reporter from the Securities Daily: “With the development of the digital economy, especially the application of 5G and new media technologies, the visualization scenarios in various fields continue to be enriched, which directly drives the demand of splicing screens. From the supply side, the improvement in the production process of LCD and LED splicing screens and the declining cost have also boosted the widespread use of splicing screens.


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