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The methods for selecting an industrial LCD screens

Blaze Display Technology Co., Ltd. | Updated: Nov 27, 2018

1. If you are using a capacitive LCD screen, it is recommended that when you use it for the first time, first install the drivers required for the capacitive LCD screen correctly according to the instructions, and then click “on the screen” with your fingers. Start”/”Program”/”Microtouch Touchware” to run the screen calibration program. After the calibration is completed, the system automatically stores the calibrated data in the controller’s register. After restarting the system later, there is no need to calibrate the screen again.

2. Using a resistive LCD screen, if you find that the cursor does not move or can only move in a local area, you can check whether the touch area of ​​the LCD screen is pressed by other touch objects, for example, once the LCD screen is covered by the display enclosure or cabinet enclosure If you hold it down, it means that a certain point has been touched all the time, then the coordinate position feedback to the controller is inaccurate, and of course the cursor cannot be positioned correctly. If the cabinet case is pressed against the touch area, you can increase the distance between the cabinet and the monitor screen. If the monitor case is pressed against the touch area, you can try to loosen the monitor case screws a little.

3. For ensuring the normal operation of the industrial LCD screen system, in addition to ensuring the correct installation of the system software, everyone must also remember not to install two or more LCD screen drivers on a host, this will be easy to cause conflicts when the system is running, so that the LCD screen system cannot be used normally.

4. If the resolution or mode of the LCD screen is changed again when the capacitive LCD screen is operated halfway, or if the refresh frequency of the LCD screen controller is adjusted by itself, you may know that the cursor does not correspond to the touch point. Recalibrate the LCD screen system.

5. Once the system changes the display resolution, adjusts the screen size and installs for the first time, there will be inaccurate clicks or drift, you need to start the positioning program that comes with the application to reposition, but when you are positioning, the most It is better to use a thinner pen or fingertips for positioning, which is more accurate.

6. If you touch the surface acoustic wave LCD screen with your hand or other touch objects, the LCD screen responds slowly, which indicates that the LCD screen system is old, the internal clock frequency is too low, or the surface of the LCD screen has water droplets. In order to restore the LCD screen’s quick response while moving, the system must be replaced or upgraded, or the water droplets on the surface of the LCD screen should be dried with a rag.

7. Do not allow water droplets or other soft things on the surface of the industrial LCD screen to stick to the surface, otherwise the LCD screen is easy to mistakenly believe that the surface acoustic wave screen is inaccurate due to hand touch. In addition, when removing dirt on the surface of the LCD screen, you can carefully wipe it from the center of the screen with a soft dry cloth or detergent, or use a dry soft cloth dipped in industrial alcohol or glass cleaning liquid to clean the surface of the LCD screen.

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