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What should be paid attention to when installing the LCD display?

Blaze Display Technology Co., Ltd. | Updated: Nov 27, 2018

The LCD screens we produce are tested according to the process, including electrical and visual inspections. Therefore, under normal circumstances, the probability of failure is very small. From the customer's LCD screen to the assembly of the shell, there are several steps such as soldering the LCD screen and the backlight to the circuit board, due to the LCD screen is a glass product, the worker should handle it gently when it is handled, and it will easily break when it falls on the ground.


When soldering the pins of the LCD screen, the tinting time should not exceed 3-5S. Because the pins of the LCD screen are fixed by glue, the instant heating temperature of the hot air gun is higher than the price. If the soldering time is too long, it will easily cause the glue to melt. Loose, resulting in defective LCD screen.


Also, when assembling, make sure that the housing does not clamp the LCD screen too tightly. If it is too tight, the LCD screen will not display properly.


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